BTEC creative digital media prodcution
Dear reader, this blog contains my enitre coursework production. Each page contains each stage of the pre production and post production process.
Unit 4 LAA is a page that contains my first report and detailed research into the ways that films are made. This includes the research of proffesional practise such as logistics, finance.
Unit 10 LAA is a page that contains my research into the thriller genre specefically where we investigated a range of thriller films by particularly focusing on film openings, to ascertain the codes and conventions. Following this research I also carried out detailed planning into my own film opening through completing a series of different tasks which enabled me to construct my own film.
Despite the pandemic, I was still able to film and edit ,as a group and indivdually, to a certain degree as Covid disrupted the final edit so it is left unfinished.
Disclosure: some information has been gathered from sites such as Wikipedia and IMDb